You need to credit the other person with some knowledge and intelligence and respect them as a mature, professional and successful person.
When we provide information, make it seem as if the other person already knows it. You could do this by saying:
Of course, she works in a bank, you know.
This sounds as if you are assuming the other person doesn’t know and can make you sound superior.
Better options:
Of course, as you know, she works in a bank.
Of course, as you’re aware, she works in a bank.
Of course, as you well know, she works in a bank.
As I’m sure you know,...
Of course, as I’m sure you know...
By using these phrases, you are crediting the other person with intelligence and knowledge.
It’s a good idea to do this because it makes the other person feel good (Golden Rule Number 3). You can even do it when you believe they don’t know or don’t have qualities such as intelligence or knowledge.
Remember, polite language is also used in marketing as a tool for persuading and influencing people sometimes in a dishonest way.