

Useful Adverbs for IELTS

An adverb is a modifying part of speech. It describes verbs, other adverbs, adjectives, and phrases. They are used to describe how, where, when, how often and why something happens. Adverbs are useful because they give us more information about an action, event or situation. Using adverbs correctly will improve your communication skills.
  • People should act responsibly at all times. (Here, “responsibly” gives you more information about the verb “act”). 
  • The line graph is significantly different from the bar chart. (Here, the adverb is modifying the adjective “different”).

Most Common Adverbs Used in IELTS

Adverbs are powerful. They add meaning and accuracy to what you say and as a result of this, they make what you say more interesting.
Here is a list of most common adverbs:

1. Amazingly 2. Astonishingly 3. Surprisingly 4. Sadly 5. Tragically 6. Seriously 7. Curiously 8. Strangely
9. Disappointingly 10. Fortunately 11. Thankfully 12. Luckily 13. Frankly 14. Happily 15. Unbelievably 16. Incredibly